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We are Joy Reap Metal

Our sales network has a global presence in all the major Stainless Steel markets such as USA, EU, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, South America, and UAE. Joy Reap Metal is a part of a Global brand ZXh & Liamtron group China. We are working as a strategic distributor for world’s leading manufactures (Tsingshan group, YongJin China, YongJin China, YongJin Vietnam, Tisco, Delong Group, Lisco) to provide our customer with the most competitive price and best services.

Joy Reap Metal is a part of a Global brand ZXh & Liamtron group China. ZXh & Liamtron group is the largest privately owned Stainless Steel distributor in China for the last 25 years, which is amongst the top 3 Stainless Steel Distributors in Mainland China with annual sales of about 1.2 Million Mt. We also have a joint venture of Cold roll Plant – YongJin Guangdong China and YongJin Vietnam.